Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Your ASSIGNMENT for the DAY? You have a gift to offer, don't miss the adventure in your STORY.

Today is your day to start walking in your purpose. You were designed to make a difference in someone's life today. Who is it? Where are they? If you slow down and ponder on that for a minute you will come to realize life can be quite an adventure. If we just slow down a little, relax our plans and take notice to our seeds of thought God is planting - amazing things can flourish. An adventuresome life is awaiting people! Let's not miss it!

Slow down, listen for the prompting God is giving you. All throughout the day He is speaking to you, encouraging you, loving you and showing you ways to love on others.  Let's take the time to find it and then share what God is showing us through it. I would LOVE to hear your story! 

-Simply Sublime

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