Sunday, February 24, 2013

KOMBUCHA 101: Best Homeschool Experiment Ever

OH.MY.WORD! Have you tried Kombucha? It is SOOOOO good! Now, I am talking FLAVOR here. I absolutely LOVE it! Not to mention the supposed health benefits:


               (as the ancient Chinese called it)


Whether these factoids are true or not - the drink itself is delightful. A little glass of probiotic bevie  that’s been fermented by a symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast. I mean who wouldn't want to sip on that all day long? Okay so perhaps that doesn't sound all that appetizing - but it really is. 

Bad News: It can break the bank. 

So what's a gal to do? Every good homeschool Mom knows (hee hee)  the goal is to get your kids to be self-sufficient. That's right. We are going to learn how to make it ourselves. 

So, I will consider this our NUMBER #1, most important homeschool lesson of the year (Perhaps most important lesson of a lifetime - after all if this is as successful as I imagine it will be it is a triple-dee-dipple benefit for me) .  Not only that, it will cover Science, Nutrition, Home Ec, and perhaps we can squeeze in some Photography and English projects with it. 

WOW - I just impressed myself with how great this project of ours really is. Let me take a minute and soak in my brilliancy....................... yeah... it's GOOD! Now that I am thinking of it, maybe we should start working  on a physical therapy unity study too where massage is the first thing to master. AND a taste testing best cheeseburger in the world study. Hey - here's a thought, what about a complete house care cleaning unit? Yeah, my humor is giving me the chuckles. But still...perhaps it does deserve more thought.

Anywhooo - I do believe this Kombucha is an inspired and well-supported idea. It just so happens since we BREWED to BREW (brewed the idea to brew the tea - clever right?) God has provided two unknown to us support systems. In the 3 days since concept we have been in the presence of 2 different women who make their own. This is CRAZY as we just met one of the women, and the other one we haven't seen in over 6 months. One gave us the starter  pictured above. The second actually has a full grown scoby (mushroom looking ditty) she said we could have. She has been making her delicious blueberry green tea Kombucha for 3 years. Not only that - she brought a jug of hers to a girls night we were at and it was SO YUMMY!!! Makes us all the more excited to get  doing the KOMBUCHA dance and CHUG!  

So here is where we are at right now - we have the starter in a large mouth mason jar (needs to be glass not plastic) that has a cheesecloth topper on it with a ring to hold it in place. This allows for breathing without yuck-o-muck getting in it. Step TWO will come tomorrow as we try to develop this into a mature scoby. So keep checking back to see how we are progressing. 

When we receive the mature one we may just get two batches going. I have a feeling our family will soon be known as the KOMBUCHISTS> 

Here is looking forward to a happy glass of Kombucha! Cheers!

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