So if you all read my previous post you know our family is starting a new mission. We have decided our family lifestyle has been a wee bit sluggish when it comes to sharing the love of Jesus on a daily basis. Yes we have been wrapped up and cozy on our couches, spending family time playing games or watching tv. That is not the purpose behind the GREATEST Rescue Mission E.V.E.R. though. God sent his Son Jesus as a free gift to receive so we would LIVE IT OUT for Him. We would cherish, love, appreciate and BUST at our seams with JOY over it!
So we decided our family would be hitting the streets everyday as we count down to Christmas. As we hop into the car we are starting in prayer, asking God to direct us to follow wherever he wants to lead assignment...a daily mission if you will. Every day could and probably will look different. But how exciting for our family to have daily practice at seeking God, listening and following where he leads.
Mission #1
Was a trip to the mall. Talk about a challenge for the kiddos. This is the place of ME, ME, ME.... I WANT, WANT, WANT! Is it possible to even hear from God in the mall? :) Of course it is - but let's face the facts - it creates a ton of distractions. Well the kiddos began in prayer - we had the cousins with us too. Six kids in all. Yes - call us crazy!!! This one was not easy. The larger group of kids together and the kid appeal flashing and grabbing at the kids EVERYWHERE left me reminding them over and over what the mission was. To be honest I had a moment of - "Oh forget it... let's start later - this isn't working." Until the kids found barrels of webkins they wanted. As they were sorting through them in admiration the oh so helpful sales clerk came and told us the webkins were only $1.99.
My thought process for a moment... "That really is a great deal. Maybe I should let them get one... " Then a LOUD BOOMING VOICE...
WAKE UP! What are you doing? Yeah - I admit it I am not anymore spiritual than the kiddos. Okay so let's redirect. I suggest perhaps the kids want to purchase one and then seek God on who would be blessed by receiving it. Someone within the mall. Not everyone wanted to participate - as some were quite bummed they weren't getting one of their own...and that kind of grumbling spreads. UGH! One precious spoke up and wanted to do it. Oh bless your little heart - SEE KIDS at least one of you loves Jesus! (Just kidding) I was truly blessed by this one willing heart though.
Well the recipient was spotted. A little girl with her Dad. Two of them made the delivery. It was so precious to watch. Later we talked about how we have no idea what is going on in the lives of these people. When we typically think of people in need we picture someone holding a sign. But how many of us really hold a sign when we are hurting or in need? It is actually a very small percentage. The kiddos were really listening and contributing during this convo. We started thinking about the possibilities of scenarios for those hurting. How God KNOWS and we may never know...but we can be obedient without the know behind it.
So Mission #1 would not rate in my book as a WOW mission in the action itself - but the follow up conversation was absolutely priceless.
Mission #2
This one I wan't present for. I had Bible Study but my dear hub didn't let that stop us. He piled the kiddos in the car, they prayed and this time it was food delivery.
McDonalds it was for 2 burgers. This I find funny - when he went to pay he handed the cashier a $20 and got some coins back for his change. Hahaha.
$19ish for 2 Burgers???
I don't know why this cracks me up - other then they were on a mission for God and almost got stiffed. I am sure if I was feeling witty I could come up with a great analogy for that one.
Anywhoooo - they ended up getting the correct change back once brought to said cashiers attention. And off they went to find that one person who God had for them to deliver to.
They ended up finding a gentleman who was collecting trash and staying warm by consuming his liquid beverage of choice. As they pulled up next to him our little man handed him the bag of food asking if he was hungry. Sure..he'd take it. As thankful as the man was he was also eager to hitch a ride - or possibly he was confused by his ingested liquid - he attempted to join the family in the car...
I guess my husband didn't feel God was asking them to let him hitch a ride, so they talked a minute. The question was asked "What are you doing with those kids?" (don't even want to spend too much time analyzing that choice of words) and my dear hubby told him those were his children and they were just trying to find someone who might be needing a meal out in the cold. To which the gentleman relaxed his frustrated and angry face, smiled and said THANK YOU!
Again - this may not have met our expectations of what the mission would look like. I am SO thankful for it though. I think so often we want a "feel good" experience for our sakes. We did something good and want to feel good about it. They should be grateful. NO!!! Not necessarily - that is not why we do this. We have no idea at all what God is up to and what part our obedience plays in it.
My children learned some valuable lessons:
1) Do NOT be fearful God is with you.
2) Expect the unexpected
3)Do this for God not for the reaction
and more...
Mission #3
We prayed and were driving down the road. I spotted a PSYCHIC sign and thought to myself - we should pray for them.
5 seconds later..
my daughter says out loud. "Psychic"..."We should pray for them."
Quick confirmation. We pull over and we begin praying. Oh these prayers were so precious. The words and thoughts of children - do not look down on them. They nailed it! If our prayers are effective the lies will be bound and the name of Jesus is going to be proclaimed before they even know what is coming out of their mouths. Those listening will be experiencing the truth of Jesus Christ. I love how their little hearts were not about judging but more for the love of Jesus to pour out on the confusion and chaos the enemy had set up at this camp.
Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity - 1 Timothy 4:12
-Simply Sublime
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