Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Artwork & Inspiration from the HEART

Ya know - sometimes I am so incredibly inspired by others. I love it when God uses the thoughts, vision and actions of someone to make my heart feel like it could burst. This is exactly what happened to me today. As I was attempting to update some things on my blog (in major frustration I might add) I stumbled upon this amazing young woman's blog, Jill Davis @ She has dedicated her 27th year of life to an INCREDIBLE cause. Words straight from her blog:

"I want to translate a book of the Bible into another language. Through, I’d like YOU to help me raise the funds to translate the equivalent of the book of John into the language of the Ehty people in South Asia. That’s 879 verses at $26/verse. Yes…that’s a lot and I need your help. So, in case you are wondering, I’d like scripture translation for my 28th birthday." - Jill Davis

He is not just God, He is YOUR God!
year 27

I have never met this woman but I can tell you I have an immediate heart string attached to her. I am so impressed with her love for others. I also love and I do mean LOVE her artwork. Isn't it FAB? 

The words behind this particular piece are amazing. You must take a quick peek at the write up on it. Trust me - it will bring a smile to your face and a stirring in your heart. So encouraging.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks Kimber! I am blessed by your encouragement today.
