
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas from our Family to YOURS! Don't be afraid.

So thankful for the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. To think he would lovingly come here to this earth on our behalf. Oh, it was difficult. We know this well, right? Being human isn't always easy. We reach, we grasp, we fall, we bruise. You know there had to be moments where he wanted to flee the pain and the anguish he was enduring, especially towards the end. Yet he couldn't unwrap his heart from the complete love of his life...YOU!!! He did it all for you! He came here for you!

Can you wrap your head around his heart for you? It's a bit hard to receive the fullness of it - COMPLETE. PERFECT.LOVE. He is just waiting for you to get to know Him. He has so very much to tell you, so many words and actions to love on you with. He is the Papa your heart has been longing for since the moment you came into existence. Why not accept the amazing gift? Time with Him, the one who created you to be in relationship with Him.

It's simple. Just start talking. No perfect words to be said. There is no magic prayer. He knows you completely anyway. He so admires you. He finds you to be smart, funny, beautiful and caring. He knows you have messed up but that isn't His focus. He simply wants to just love on you and show you the wonders he has to share with you. Turn your heart towards him and start some dialogue.

The moment you start doubting his love because of your past, remember this:

{source: pinterest}

He may not like every single choice we make, but he gets us and loves us with a deep abiding love. His love covers it all.

Jesus loves me. <3
{source: pinterest}

He isn't about fixing us to make us acceptable to him. We are acceptable just as we are RIGHT NOW! Hard to believe isn't it? That even with our current yucky, messed up choices he is welcoming us into his arms? Picture a scruffy little street boy who's clothes are full of holes, saturated with grime and smelling of an unidentifiable stench. His slimey dripping nose is running down his face and he has wiped it across his cheek. He is a complete mess - and there in the distance is Papa. His arms are wide open. He kneels down on one knee and gently calls the boys name. As the boy skeptically approaches him Papa meets him with knowing eyes full of love and compassion. The boy can recognize that Papa knows all and has nothing but love for him. Papa wraps the boy in his arms, kisses his forehead, sweetly washes his face and wraps a cozy blanket around him. This is the beginning of a beautiful relationship - where Papa leads the boy next is not for us to know right now. We can be sure, however, that life from this point on is going to be full of adventure and wonder. 
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We can't confuse his perfect accepting love with a belief that he is okay with our sin. He isn't. I am sure Papa is going to have some heart to heart conversations with the boy on where he has been. There are probably some wounds that need to be tended to with some healing balm. The boy will also probably need some new essentials to face the exciting journey ahead and be fully equipped.

Papa's love for us can cover our sin when we bring it to him and ask. Sometimes we are even unaware of our ick but through a very gentle process he will show us areas we can release to Him that can help us to be a bit more unhindered by the things that weigh us down. It is all done through love though. The more we know of him the more we are freed up to enjoy all that is around us.

{source: pinterest}

Many times I find people are afraid to approach God. They spend a great amount of effort actually running away from him, pushing him out of their mind. They are unknowingly exhausted by the effort it has taken them to run away. The belief is if they face him they will be crushed and humiliated with the mistakes of their past. What they don't understand is running away in fear is so much more work and exhausting. The truth is we were created to be in relationship with our Creator. Just turn around and face the ONE who sees you, the ONE who knows you, the ONE who loves you to pieces.

Praying that your Christmas and all the days following are absolutely full of the love Jesus Christ. 

{source: hello awesome}

-Simply Sublime

1 comment:

  1. Yes I love Jesus and my daddy very much I was confused for awhile but I'm ok I love both of u very much I can't wait to see what u both look like.
