
Sunday, July 28, 2013

My Girl's Growing Up: The Joy of Teens

Whew, I did it. 

I made it through the beginning of the worst, most horrible, terrible, excruciatingly painful season of my daughters life ever. THE TEEN YEARS. This Mother has made it to the other side of my daughters 13th year of life. Today my girl turned 14 years old. And you know what? I still like her. I can even say I love and adore her as much as or more than I did last year at this time.

I get so very weary as I watch parents lead their children into the teen years with clenched teeth and shaking legs in expectation of the most dreadful years they have ever experienced. What would it look like if we made deposits of trust and joy in the next steps of our children's growing up journey? What if we believed in them and the choices they would make?  Could the life-giving words we speak into them end up being seeds that would bear fruit? 

I am LOVING this stage of my girls life. She is bright, funny, witty, creative and good-hearted. You know what? She knows I believe this as truth about her too. Often she will say to me, "You just think that because you are my Mom." in which I reply, "Well, I am your Mom - but it is truth!"  

Our kids don't need us to doubt the core of who they are, or fret over them changing overnight. We don't need to be fearful they will turn into monsters. They need us to speak life giving words of love and truth into them. They need us to see and believe for the best in them. 

All of those captivating toddler firsts that held our attention for hours, the skills we saw developing  in the elementary years, the talents emerging in the middle years finally are all coming to a defining moment of stardom. Our little creatures are all of a sudden on the brink of adulthood. And we get to watch in awe, we have opportunity to cheerlead the growth and pray them through the challenging moments where their faith becomes their own to live out. 

These are moments to be cherished folks! I tell you, you can make it through the terrible, no good, awful teen years too. With a smile on your face! 

Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate. -Psalm 127:3-5

-Simply Sublime

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