Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Chalkboard Quote Art Design: Our hearts belong to Him

Here I is almost 2:00am and I am NOT tired at all. I will spare you the details but... the last two days have been full of twists and turns due to a horrid stomach flu. My days are nights - my nights are days...oh I don't know what is what. It is dark outside and it feels like daylight. My brain finally feels like it can accomplish something and I am EAGER to put my creativity to use. So what to do??? 

Well, I have been seeing a lot of chalkboard art and fun quotes around the last few weeks. In fact just last week I found one I really wanted to purchase for my kitchen. Then I thought to myself...

"Kim, you're an artsy graphics person. You have a history of designing corporate logos, commercial and electric sign designs, and graphics. You can do it yourself!" (Sometimes I honestly have to remind myself I am able... does anyone else feel they sometimes forget what they are capable of in the mommy-ing years? So this little self-chat I had with myself actually helped kick me into action)

Here is what I have come up with so far. I have a couple more in the making. I only want to use one in my house - so I am trying to come up with the PERFECT one. Maybe I will let you vote to help me decide. 

So keep checkin' back!

-Simply Sublime

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